
Sarah Monger Obituary Elkton Vacoming Soon

Sarah Monger Obituary Elkton Vacoming Soon - Judith anne monger shifflett, 81, of elkton, passed away on monday, august 1, 2025. Judith was born on may 29, 1941 in washington, d. c. , and was the oldest daughter of. Sara monger obituary and online memorial (2023). Share your favorite memories sara and celebrate their life with the monger family on their online obituary. The monger family is expected to release sarah monger’s obituary and funeral arrangements, allowing the community to honor her legacy and commemorate her enduring contributions to. The monger family is expected to release sarah monger’s obituary and funeral arrangements, allowing the community to honor her legacy and commemorate her enduring. Since 1975, we have been providing caring and compassionate service to the shenandoah valley. We have continued to take the lead in the industry through our extensive knowledge. Sara elizabeth monger, 18, of elkton, virginia, passed away oct. 28, 2023, in harrisonburg, virginia, from injuries she received during an automobile accident. Funeral service for mrs. Sarah elizabeth monger, who died sunday afternoon at the rockingham memorial hospital, will be held from the united brethren church in elkton this afternoon at. Sara elizabeth monger, 18, of elkton passed away october 28, 2023 in harrisonburg from injuries she received during an automobile accident. Miss monger was born. Sara's family will hold visitation hours at kyger funeral home chapel in elkton on friday, nov. Miss monger was born september 6, 2005 in. Sara elizabeth monger, 18, of elkton passed away october 28, 2023 in harrisonburg from injuries she received during an automobile accident. Miss monger was born september 6, 2005 in.

Judith anne monger shifflett, 81, of elkton, passed away on monday, august 1, 2025. Judith was born on may 29, 1941 in washington, d. c. , and was the oldest daughter of. Sara monger obituary and online memorial (2023). Share your favorite memories sara and celebrate their life with the monger family on their online obituary. The monger family is expected to release sarah monger’s obituary and funeral arrangements, allowing the community to honor her legacy and commemorate her enduring contributions to. The monger family is expected to release sarah monger’s obituary and funeral arrangements, allowing the community to honor her legacy and commemorate her enduring. Since 1975, we have been providing caring and compassionate service to the shenandoah valley. We have continued to take the lead in the industry through our extensive knowledge. Sara elizabeth monger, 18, of elkton, virginia, passed away oct. 28, 2023, in harrisonburg, virginia, from injuries she received during an automobile accident. Funeral service for mrs. Sarah elizabeth monger, who died sunday afternoon at the rockingham memorial hospital, will be held from the united brethren church in elkton this afternoon at. Sara elizabeth monger, 18, of elkton passed away october 28, 2023 in harrisonburg from injuries she received during an automobile accident. Miss monger was born. Sara's family will hold visitation hours at kyger funeral home chapel in elkton on friday, nov.

Sarah Monger Obituary Elkton Vacoming Soon