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We’ve compiled a list of really fantastic reasons why becoming a pch vip will be beneficial to you in more ways than one! You can unlock the exclusive vip page. Frequent playing gets you the pch vip treatment and all the amazing perks that go with it! To review all the benefits, click here Learn how to earn vip or vip elite status by visiting and engaging in eligible activities on pch. com once per day for a minimum of 15 or 25 days out of 30. Learn how to become a pch vip and enjoy exclusive perks and prizes. Find out the differences between star, super star, vip, and vip elite statuses and what they offer. Frequent playing gets you the pch vip treatment and all the amazing perks that go with it! To review all the benefits, click here All players with a valid pch password protected account are eligible to become a vip/vip elite. In order to achieve vip status, a participant must visit and engage in any of the eligible activities. Visit pch to check out our various free online sweepstakes today. Enter now for a chance to win prizes like cars, cash or a vacation. Learn how to earn vip or vip elite status by visiting and engaging in eligible activities on pch. com once per day for a minimum of 15 or 25 days. Find out the full list of activities and.