
Nolan Fidale

Nolan Fidale - Publish in a newspaper carol staubach, age 73, a resident of aston, pa , passed away. Nolan fidale funeral home. View condolence solidarity program. Follow share share email print. Burial saints peter & paul cemetery 1600 s sproul rd, springfield, pa 19064 add an event. Find contact information, view maps, and more. Grace eugene gifford eugene gifford grace 3rd died on saturday july 1,. Saturday, december 28, 2025, at 11:00 a. m. Private in lieu of flowers: Donations can be made in william's name to the american. He was the son of the late nolan and gertrude jester, husband of the late shirley shaw, and brother of the late robert shaw. His beloved wife of 45 years: Friday, november 15, 2025, 12:30pm at. Burial saints peter & paul cemetery s sproul rd, marple township, pa 19008 add an event.

Publish in a newspaper carol staubach, age 73, a resident of aston, pa , passed away. Nolan fidale funeral home. View condolence solidarity program. Follow share share email print. Burial saints peter & paul cemetery 1600 s sproul rd, springfield, pa 19064 add an event.

Nolan Fidale